10 Work-Life Balance Tips for a Happier Lifestyle

10 Work-Life Balance Tips for a Happier Lifestyle

Work-life balance isn’t just a trending topic; it’s fundamental for well-being and happiness. As women, the balancing act often extends beyond professional commitments, encompassing familial duties, social connections, and personal aspirations. 

This blog is crafted to empower and guide, offering ten helpful work-life balance tips tailored to women seeking harmony between their professional pursuits and personal fulfillment. 

Why is Work-Life Balance So Important?

Work-life balance is like making sure you don’t eat only broccoli, but some ice cream too. In this case, it’s about balancing work with everything else in life. It’s like having a bunch of plates spinning all at once—job, family, friends, hobbies, and everything that makes life extraordinary. When those plates spin too fast, things can get wobbly real quick.

Research has shown that too much work and not enough downtime can affect your health, especially for women. Overworking yourself can lead to heightened stress levels, burnout, and adverse mental and physical health outcomes. 

The 10 Best Work-Life Balance Tips For Women

Discover these work-life balance tips to alleviate the stress of a hectic lifestyle and foster a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling existence. 

Tip 1: Prioritize and Organize

Prioritizing is about deciding what needs your attention right now and what can wait until later. By putting the most important stuff first, you’re not just managing time; you’re owning it.

Effective Strategies for Organizing Tasks and Responsibilities:

  • Break It Down: Big tasks can be overwhelming. Break them into smaller, manageable steps.
  • Set Clear Deadlines: Set deadlines to create a sense of urgency and keep things moving.
  • Batch Similar Tasks: Group similar tasks together. Answering emails in one go or tackling phone calls consecutively saves time and mental energy.

Tip 2: Establish Boundaries

In a world where your phone buzzes with work emails at midnight, boundary-setting becomes an art. It’s all about mastering the ‘do not disturb’ mode and saying ‘no’ to work invading your downtime.

Techniques for Maintaining Boundaries in a Digital Age:

  • Designate Tech-Free Zones or Times: Create designated times or areas where digital devices are a no-go. It could be during meals, before bedtime, or in specific rooms to disconnect and focus on personal life.
  • Master the Art of Notifications: Customize your device notifications to filter out non-urgent work-related alerts during off-hours. Use ‘Do Not Disturb’ features or app settings to silence unnecessary pings.
  • Set Communication Norms: Establish clear communication norms with colleagues or clients about response times. Educate them about your availability outside of regular working hours to manage expectations.

Tip 3: Practice Mindfulness and Self-Care

Mindfulness isn’t just for yogis; it’s for everyone hustling through life. It’s about being present, savoring the moment, and letting go of stress. Think of it as a mental spa day for your mind. 

Self-Care Practices to Rejuvenate Mind and Body:

  • Mindful Breathing or Meditation: Take a few minutes daily to focus on your breath or practice mindfulness meditation. It helps center your thoughts and ease stress.
  • Practice Gratitude: Keep a gratitude journal or take a moment each day to reflect on things you’re thankful for. It shifts focus to positivity and can boost mental well-being.
  • Set Boundaries for “Me-Time”: Carve out specific times in your schedule solely for yourself. It’s not selfish; it’s necessary for recharging your batteries.

Tip 4: Delegate and Outsource

Not everything needs your personal touch. Figuring out which tasks can be passed on to a colleague or a service means more time for what truly matters to you.

How to Identify Tasks Suitable for Delegation or Outsourcing:

  • Consider Repetitive or Routine Tasks: Tasks that follow a standard procedure and don’t demand specialized knowledge could be delegated.
  • Evaluate Cost vs. Benefit: Calculate the potential benefit of freeing up your time against the cost of delegating or outsourcing a task. Sometimes, the value of your time spent on more critical tasks outweighs the expense.
  • Review Deadline Sensitivity: Tasks with flexible deadlines or longer timelines might be more suitable for delegation.

Tip 5: Flexibility and Adaptability

Change is the only constant in life. Flexibility is about bending without breaking, making adjustments when needed, and being open to change.

Strategies for Adapting to Changes in Work and Personal Spheres:

  • Maintain a Growth Mindset: Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Approach changes with an open mind, seeing them as chances to learn and develop new skills.
  • Focus on What You Can Control: Some changes are beyond your control. Focus on managing aspects within your control, empowering yourself to navigate transitions effectively.
  • Set Short-Term Goals: Break down larger changes into manageable steps. Setting short-term goals helps create a roadmap for progress amidst change.

Tip 6: Nurture Support Networks

Navigating the journey of life takes a village! Strong support networks, including friends, family, and mentors, act as safety nets in tough times and cheerleaders during successes.

Ways to Leverage Communities and Networks for Support and Guidance:

  • Seek Mentorship and Coaching: Mentors provide guidance, share experiences, and offer advice, while coaches help navigate challenges and set career goals.
  • Volunteer or Engage in Community Activities: Participate in community service or volunteer activities aligned with your interests to expand your network with individuals sharing similar passions.
  • Stay Engaged and Consistent: Consistency is vital. Engage regularly within your networks, contribute valuable insights, and maintain relationships by staying connected.

Tip 7: Set Realistic Goals and Expectations

Balancing ambitious goals with a realistic approach prevents overwhelm and sets a clear path to success. This approach keeps motivation high, making success more attainable in work and personal endeavors.

Establishing Achievable Goals for Work and Personal Life:

  • Regularly Review and Adjust: Periodically review your goals. Check your progress, assess what’s working, and adjust if needed. This flexibility ensures goals remain relevant.
  • Seek Accountability and Support: Share your goals with someone you trust, whether a mentor, friend, or colleague. Having someone to hold you accountable can boost motivation.
  • Celebrate Milestones: Acknowledge and celebrate milestones along the way. Recognizing progress boosts morale and encourages continued effort.

Tip 8: Time Management Strategies

Mastering time management is far easier said than done. Learning how to balance your time can significantly boost productivity and efficiency.

Tools and Resources for Efficient Time Allocation:

  • Note-Taking Apps: Apps like Evernote, OneNote, or Notion enable you to jot down ideas, create to-do lists, and organize information, fostering better time management and idea retention.
  • Pomodoro Technique Timer: Apps like Focus Booster or Tomato Timer facilitate the Pomodoro Technique, a time management method that breaks work into intervals, enhancing focus and productivity.
  • Focus and Distraction Management Apps: Tools like Freedom or Cold Turkey Blocker help limit distractions by blocking access to distracting websites or apps during work hours, promoting focused work sessions.

Tip 9: Embrace Leisure and Hobbies

Playtime isn’t just for kids. Engaging in hobbies or leisure activities rejuvenates the mind, reducing stress and enhancing creativity.

Exploring Hobbies as a Source of Joy and Relaxation:

  • Start Small: Begin with manageable projects or activities. For instance, if you’re interested in painting, start with simple sketches or beginner-level art classes before diving into complex compositions.
  • Allocate Dedicated Time: Set aside specific time slots for your hobby. Whether 30 minutes a day or a couple of hours a week, consistent engagement is key to progress and enjoyment.
  • Create a Relaxing Environment: Designate a space to pursue your hobby comfortably. Whether it’s a cozy corner for reading or a workshop for woodworking, a conducive environment enhances enjoyment.

Tip 10: Regularly Reassess and Adjust

Regular check-ins help gauge progress, identify what’s working, and pinpoint areas needing adjustment. Tweaking approaches based on evolving circumstances ensures a balanced, sustainable lifestyle.

Strategies for Assessing and Tweaking Work-Life Balance:

  • Prioritize Personal Values: Revisit your values and priorities. Align your daily activities with these values to ensure you invest time in what truly matters to you.
  • Set Boundaries and Limits: Establish clear boundaries between work and personal life. Define specific work hours, digital detox periods, and leisure time to prevent work from encroaching on personal space.
  • Practice Saying No: Learn to decline tasks or commitments that don’t align with your priorities or overload your schedule.

Empower Yourself with Work-Life Balance

To all the incredible women out there, prioritizing your well-being isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity. It’s about recognizing that your happiness, health, and fulfillment matter as much as anyone else’s. Embrace the power of saying no, seek support without hesitation, and allow yourself the grace of self-care. 

Do you want to meet inspirational females in your area and learn valuable life skills? Or are you looking for a fun-filled, unique event to attend with your best gal pals? Purchase a ticket to the next upcoming BE Event! You can meet face-to-face with outstanding women, listen to inspirational lectures, and make new friends! We’d love to see you there. 

Show Them the Money: A Guide to the Best Salary Negotiation Advice for Women

Show Them the Money: A Guide to the Best Salary Negotiation Advice for Women

Negotiation skills are essential for climbing the career ladder and achieving financial success in the corporate world. However, women often face unique challenges when negotiating their salaries. 

We know it’s archaic, but the gender pay gap exists, and societal expectations sometimes discourage women from advocating for themselves. But fear not – armed with the right salary negotiation advice, women can confidently negotiate their salaries and bridge the gap. 

Salary Negotiation Advice to Empower Women

In this guide, we dive into the world of negotiation, providing valuable advice and tips to empower women to seize what they rightfully deserve.

Preparation is Power

Successful negotiations begin with thoughtful preparation. Before entering a negotiation, it’s crucial to research and gather information about industry standards, company policies, and job market trends. Knowledge is power, and when armed with facts, women can confidently make their case for higher compensation.

  1. Know Your Worth: Understand your skills, experience, and contributions to the company. Research online platforms and salary surveys to determine the appropriate salary range for your role and expertise.


  1. Highlight Achievements: Create a list of your notable accomplishments and how you’ve added value to the company. Quantifiable achievements can solidify your position and demonstrate your impact.


  1. Quantify Your Impact: It’s essential to justify your accomplishments with quantifiable data. Numbers speak volumes and provide concrete evidence of your contributions. Highlight key performance indicators showing how your actions have positively impacted the company’s bottom line, such as increased revenue, improved efficiency, or cost savings. 


  1. Practice Confidence: Stand in front of a mirror or with a friend and practice stating your desired salary with confidence. Practicing your pitch can help you deliver it more assertively during the negotiation.


  1. Anticipate Counterarguments: Take some time to anticipate potential objections and prepare thoughtful responses. For instance, if the company raises concerns about budget constraints, you can suggest a performance-based salary increase that aligns with achieving specific goals. 

Effective Communication Strategies are Key

Negotiation is just as much about how you communicate as it is about the content of your message. Effective communication can make a significant difference in how your negotiation is received by superiors. 


  1. Choose the Right Timing: Schedule a meeting to specifically discuss your compensation, rather than casually bringing it up. This shows your intention to have a serious conversation.


  1. Use Positive Language: Frame your negotiation in a positive light. Instead of saying, “I need a raise because I’m struggling financially,” say something like, “I believe my contributions warrant a salary adjustment.”


  1. Focus on Value: Emphasize how your skills and accomplishments contribute to the company’s success and highlight how investing in you will yield positive results in the long run. 


  1. Active Listening and Empathy: While advocating for your desired salary, it’s equally important to actively listen to the other party’s perspective. Listen attentively to their concerns or questions and respond empathetically. This shows you understand their position and that you value the organization’s overall success and are willing to collaborate.


  1. Offer Win-Win Solutions: Approach negotiations with the intention of finding win-win solutions. Show flexibility and creativity in your proposals. If the initial salary figure is non-negotiable, consider negotiating for additional benefits or perks that contribute to your overall compensation package, such as extra vacation days, professional development opportunities, or remote work options.

Pull Inspiration From Real-Life Success Stories

Do you need an extra confidence boost? Draw inspiration from real success stories and influential women in the workforce. 

The Case of Cheryl Sandberg: Facebook’s COO, Cheryl Sandberg, is known for advocating for women in the workplace. She advises women to negotiate like they’re negotiating for someone they care about.

“Fortune does favor the bold, and you’ll never know what you’re capable of if you don’t try.” – Cheryl Sandberg

The Story of Katharine Zaleski: Katharine Zaleski, the co-founder of PowerToFly, negotiated a work arrangement that allowed her to maintain her career while accommodating her responsibilities as a mother.

“For mothers in the workplace, it’s death by a thousand cuts – and sometimes it’s other women holding the knives. I wish I had known five years ago, as a young, childless manager, that mothers are the people you need on your team.”  – Katharine Zaleski

Shonda Rhimes’s Bold Move: Renowned TV producer, Shonda Rhimes, negotiated a deal with Netflix that made her one of the highest-paid showrunners. Her boldness showcases the importance of asking for what you deserve.

“If I don’t poke my head out of my shell and show people who I am, all anyone will ever think I am is my shell.”  – Shonda Rhimes

You Got This! 

It’s time to break through the barriers that have held women back in the business world. With preparation, effective communication strategies, and inspiration from real-life success stories, you can confidently navigate salary negotiations and close the gender pay gap. 

Know your worth, and don’t back down. It’s time to claim your fair share. So, go ahead – show them the money!

If you want to meet with inspiring women face-to-face, secure your ticket for the next upcoming BE Event


Just Breathe

Just Breathe

Too often we get caught up in what we want without taking into consideration what the party that we are negotiating with considers a win.

This year with fear creeping in on all fronts, from our health to the political unrest to the state of the economy we have found ourselves in an “I gotta get mine” mentality. We don’t need to be right, we just need to win is a spot that I find myself in often.

We have to think about our request and then what the other parties’ responses to our request may be. All of the potential responses.

We owe it to each other to go down each road as if we were on the other side and see where it leads. Are we being fair to all sides? Are we working towards a solid middle with terms that are palatable to all of the people who will be eating this deal for dinner? If we are fighting we will likely lose. If we are one-sided we will likely lose. The fear response is very real right now. Our amygdalas are on overdrive trying to keep us safe. The only metabolic way to get from the fight or flight response is to breathe, the recommendation is 5 deep breaths.

We all have time for 5 deep breaths.

We all have time to see all sides before we go back in with a fair and reasonable solution. As soon as we have lost our temper we have opened ourselves to both weakness and our biological inability to decision-make from our prefrontal cortex. Just breathe.

Balance is Bull#$%&

Balance is Bull#$%&

Years ago a lovely woman named Kay Bush said to me “You can have it all, but not all at once”.

I had very little interest in listening to her at the time, determined to be the best, business owner, boss, leader, wife, mother, athlete, cook, cleaning person, daughter, friend, etc, etc, etc. When I had my first child and slipped into a failure funk I realized that she was right. There was absolutely no way that any one day was going to score an “A” on all of the levels I wanted it to.

When I released myself from the pressure of feeling like I had to make everything happen in a day and decided that I had a whole lifetime to spread my success over I felt a weight lift from me. Somedays I am the best Mom, but a kinda okay-ish wife. Someday I kill it at the office, but the laundry is piled up and I eat a burrito at 8 PM as my first meal of the day.

I think that the goal-setting at The BE Event is so important to me because it allows for small measurable goals, it also reminds me that I am surrounded by women making the same life decisions, one day at a time, one foot in front of the other, rinse and repeat, conditioned with grace.

This Year Has Been the Year

This Year Has Been the Year

This year has been the year where the working mother has fought harder than any other year to hang on to the years of work for equal pay and equal opportunity in the workplace. According to Hired.com, the wage gap is widening in 2020. 63% of men earn higher salaries than their female counterparts.

If you align this with the knowledge that women are more likely to want to stay home to care for their children, another stat shared by the same source, it is easy to see that we are taking steps backward in equity. If the working mother is compensated less it is more economically feasible that she will stay home. If she desires to care for her children or feels the guilt creep commonly discussed about the safety of our children in schools, she is again more likely to stay home.

This article provided key-insights into what we already know to be true this year. What can we do to help solve this issue?

We have a responsibility to work to understand what our tribe is experiencing. My female doctor friends are dealing with different issues than my female business owner friends. I don’t know a single person who is not faced with the constant desire to plan in a year where it is nearly impossible.

Our job is to lean in hard to the areas that we can help, ride-sharing, meals, child care, walks, lending an ear (all socially distanced, of course).

There are so many things that we cannot do this year we need to look for the spaces where we can help to ensure that we are able to keep our foothold and secure our positions of growth in the workforce.