A Closer Look at The BE Event

A Closer Look at The BE Event

A Closer Look at The BE Event: A Story of Strength and Sisterhood

In a world that often prioritizes hustle over self-care, The BE Event stands out as a beacon of strength, solidarity, and sisterhood. This annual gathering is a testament to the power of community, the resilience of the human spirit, and the transformative potential of women supporting women.

The BE Event celebrates womanhood, embraces authenticity, and fosters personal growth. But what exactly is the story behind this remarkable event, and why does it resonate so deeply with attendees year after year? Let’s dive in!

Here’s Everything You Need to Know About The BE Event

Let’s explore the history, purpose, and impact of The BE Event. From its humble beginnings to its status as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we’ll uncover what makes The BE Event unique. 

What Is the History of the BE Event?

For Meghan Heritage, the founder of BE, the inception of this organization was not a business endeavor, but a soulful response to life’s profound challenges. The catalyst for this movement was the loss of one of Meghan’s dear friends. Her friend’s passing reminded Meghan of life’s fragility and the importance of nurturing meaningful connections. It sparked a fire within her to create something more than just an event but a supportive community where women of all ages could unite, share their stories, and uplift one another.

Driven by her own experiences and fueled by a desire to honor her friend’s memory, Meghan created The BE Event. Today, The BE Event embodies Meghan’s vision of creating a space where women can find solace, support, and inspiration to embrace their true selves and live authentically.

Meet the Founder: Meghan Heritage

Meghan Heritage, the visionary behind The BE Event, is a woman of resilience and determination with a background rooted in community service and entrepreneurship. Meghan has made it her mission to uplift and support women on their journeys toward personal growth. This unwavering commitment is evident in every aspect of The BE Event, from its inception to its execution.

Meghan understands that true empowerment comes from embracing our unique selves and nurturing our potential. Through The BE Event, Meghan seeks to provide women with the tools, resources, and circle of women they need to unlock their fullest potential and live their most authentic lives.

Meghan also showcases her love for her community as the owner of BlueWest Properties. Throughout West Michigan, she is dedicated to providing individuals and families the opportunity to find homes where they can thrive. 

Discover the Purpose and Driving Force Behind The BE Event

At the core of The BE Event lies a profound mission: to empower women to embrace their full potential and prioritize self-care in a world that often demands sacrifice. This transformative gathering serves as a sanctuary where women can set aside the pressures of everyday life and dedicate a day to themselves.

Meghan Heritage’s message to supporters embodies the essence of The BE Event: love, encouragement, and unwavering belief in one’s dreams. In Meghan’s words, The BE Event is a place where love reigns supreme, encouragement abounds, and dreams are not just encouraged but celebrated.

What You Can Look Forward to at The BE Event

Attending The BE Event promises a truly unique and enriching experience. From the moment you step through the doors, you’ll be welcomed into a space brimming with positivity, inspiration, and camaraderie.

At The BE Event, you can anticipate:

  • Captivating, inspirational talks by renowned speakers
  • Engaging networking where meaningful connections are forged
  • Thought-provoking workshops and activities designed to nourish your mind, body, and soul
  • Delightful offerings of coffee, mimosas, and Bloody Marys as you mingle with like-minded individuals
  • A buffet-style lunch featuring delicious gluten-free and vegetarian options

Did You Know That The BE Event Is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization?

The BE Event isn’t just an event—it’s a mission-driven endeavor committed to serving women in need. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, The BE Event serves women in need through various avenues. From community outreach initiatives to providing financial assistance for attendance, The BE Event ensures that no woman is left behind. 

Dive Deep into Six Key Areas of Your Life

At The BE Event, we believe in a holistic approach to personal growth and empowerment. That’s why we dive into six key areas of life with profound speakers:

  1. Career: Gain valuable strategies to navigate the complexities of the professional world, whether you’re seeking to advance in your current job or embark on a new path.
  2. Giving: Discover the profound impact of giving back and find meaningful ways to contribute to your community and the world.
  3. Spirituality & Peace: Explore practices for cultivating inner peace, mindfulness, and spiritual well-being to connect with your inner self on a deeper level.
  4. Health & Wellness: Learn to prioritize self-care and adopt healthy habits that nourish your body, mind, and soul.
  5. Finance: Gain valuable insights into financial management, empowering you to achieve financial freedom and security.
  6. Relationships: Explore healthy relationships and communication dynamics, fostering deeper connections with loved ones.

Join Us at The BE Event and Invest in Yourself

By attending The BE Event and supporting its mission, you’re investing in your personal growth and contributing to a larger movement of empowerment and community support for women. We invite you to purchase tickets and join us at The BE Event! Together, we can create a world where every woman has the opportunity to thrive and fulfill her potential.

10 Spring Cleaning and Decluttering Tips for Organizing Your Home and Life

10 Spring Cleaning and Decluttering Tips for Organizing Your Home and Life

Spring is often associated with renewal and fresh starts, making it the perfect time to clean and declutter. While the thought of organizing your physical space may come to mind first, it’s essential to recognize the importance of decluttering your mind, too. 

10 Spring Cleaning and Decluttering Tips

Let’s explore 10 essential tips for both physical spring cleaning and mental decluttering to help you achieve a happier, more productive life.

Physical Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Home or Personal Space

1. Start Small 

Spring cleaning can seem daunting, so it’s best to start small and simple. Begin with one area at a time to prevent feeling overwhelmed. Whether it’s a room or just a specific section of a room, breaking it down into manageable chunks will make the process more manageable.

2. Declutter First

Before diving into deep cleaning, take the time to declutter. Sort items into categories like keep, donate, or discard. This streamlines the cleaning process and reduces the amount of stuff you have to clean around, making the task less time-consuming.

3. Utilize Mult-Purpose Cleaners

One of the best ways to minimize the money you spend on cleaning products is to opt for versatile multi-purpose cleaners. This will also reduce the clutter under your sink or wherever you store your supplies. Choose eco-friendly options when possible to reduce your environmental impact while keeping your space clean and organized.

4. Set a Timer

Motivate yourself with the “10-minute rule.” Set a timer and focus on cleaning or decluttering for just 10 minutes at a time. You’ll be surprised at how much you can accomplish in short bursts, making the task feel less daunting.

5. Invest in Useful Storage Solutions

Utilize storage bins, baskets, shelves, and other organizational tools to maximize space and keep items neatly stored away. Consider labeling containers for easy identification and accessibility. Shelving units are excellent for storing books, decorative items, or kitchen essentials. Install floating shelves to maximize wall space without taking up floor space, or invest in a versatile bookcase that can adapt to your changing storage needs.

Techniques for Mental Decluttering and Cleansing

6. Practice Mindfulness

Dedicate a few minutes daily to mindfulness exercises like deep breathing or meditation. This helps clear mental clutter and promotes relaxation, leading to a calmer mind and increased focus. Even if you’re not experienced with meditation, and it can seem overwhelming, all you have to do is sit quietly and take a few minutes alone just to allow yourself to relax. You’ll be amazed at how good this will make you feel! 

7. Journal Regularly

Have you ever considered journaling as a form of meditation or self-care? Journaling can include jotting down thoughts, feelings, to-do lists, and more. Writing things down can declutter your mind and prioritize tasks, reducing stress and increasing productivity.

8. Unplug and Disconnect

Set aside designated times to disconnect from technology and digital distractions. Use this time to engage in hobbies, spend time outdoors, or simply relax without screens, allowing your mind to recharge. This can be done during any time of the day, but it can be particularly beneficial and relaxing when done early in the morning or before bed. 

9. Create a Daily Routine

Establishing a daily routine can provide structure and reduce decision fatigue. Set aside time for tasks like meal prep, exercise, and relaxation to maintain a sense of order and control over your day.

10. Practice Gratitude

Take a moment each day to reflect on what you’re grateful for. Focusing on the positive aspects of life can help shift your mindset and declutter negative thoughts, promoting mental well-being and resilience.

Declutter Your Way to a Happier, More Productive Life

Spring cleaning isn’t just about tidying up your physical space; it’s also an opportunity to declutter your mind and set yourself up for success. By implementing the provided tips for physical and mental decluttering, you can create a cleaner, more organized home and a clearer, more focused mind. Embrace the season of renewal and take the first step toward a happier, more productive life today!

Do you want to learn more ways to enhance your everyday life? Do you want to connect with empowering women in your community? Purchase a ticket to the next upcoming BE Event! You can listen to inspirational speakers on various topics and make new friends! We’d love to see you there. 

What Are the Best Superfoods for Women’s Health?

What Are the Best Superfoods for Women’s Health?

Nutrition is pivotal in women’s health, influencing everything from energy levels to hormonal balance. To elevate your health journey, you can incorporate valuable superfoods. Superfoods are nutritional powerhouses, offering many benefits that can supercharge women’s wellness journeys. 

These nutrient-rich foods go beyond mere sustenance, providing essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support various bodily functions. In this guide, we explore the best superfoods for women’s health, exploring how they can take well-being to the next level. 

A Guide to the Best Superfoods for Women’s Health

From boosting energy to promoting hormonal balance, these dietary superheroes offer a holistic approach to nutrition that every woman can benefit from. Read on to uncover the best superfoods for women’s health that have the potential to revolutionize your diet and elevate your well-being to new heights.

Energy-Boosting Superfoods

Energy is the fuel that powers women through their daily lives, from hectic work schedules to bustling households and everything in between. To meet the demands of modern life’s demands, nourishing the body with foods that provide sustained energy without the crash is essential. 

  • Quinoa – This ancient grain is packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It contains complex carbohydrates that digest slowly, providing a steady release of energy throughout the day. 
  • Chia Seeds – These tiny yet mighty seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and fiber. If you soak them, they form a gel-like consistency that helps regulate blood sugar levels and sustain energy. We recommend soaking them in your favorite milk and making a chia “pudding!”
  • Blueberries – These berries are bursting with antioxidants and vitamins. They offer a refreshing burst of flavor while delivering a boost of energy. The natural sugars and fiber in the berries gradually release energy, avoiding fatigue. 

chia pudding

Superfoods That Promote Hormonal Balance Support

Hormones are pivotal in regulating various bodily functions, including metabolism, mood, and reproductive health. When hormones are in harmony, women experience enhanced well-being and vitality. 

Hormonal imbalances can lead to a variety of health issues, from menstrual irregularities to mood swings and beyond. Fortunately, certain superfoods can lend a helping hand in supporting hormonal equilibrium!

  • Flaxseeds – These seeds are rich in lignans, a plant compound with estrogenic properties, helping regulate estrogen levels in the body. Flaxseeds are also a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which affect hormone regulation. 
  • Broccoli – Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable that contains indole-3-carbinol, which is a compound that aids in estrogen metabolism and hormonal balance. Plus, broccoli is abundant in fiber and antioxidants, supporting overall hormonal health. 
  • Avocado – Loved for its creamy texture and nutrient density, avocados are a rich source of healthy fats, including monounsaturated fats and omega-9 fatty acids. These fats are essential to hormone production and cellular function, contributing to hormonal equilibrium. 

avocado toast

Overall Well-Being Enhancing Superfoods

Women’s health encompasses a broad spectrum of factors, from physical vitality to mental clarity and emotional resilience. Superfoods play a pivotal role in supporting this holistic approach, offering various benefits that promote overall well-being.

  • Kale – This leafy green is a nutrient-dense powerhouse! Kale contains vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support various crucial bodily functions, such as vitamin C and folate. 
  • Salmon – Salmon is a delicious fish prized for its omega-3 fatty acids and high-quality protein. It offers numerous health benefits, including cardiovascular support, brain health, and anti-inflammatory properties. 
  • Greek Yogurt – Rich in probiotics, protein, and calcium, greek yogurt supports gut health, immune function, and bone health. Its creamy texture and tangy flavor make it a versatile addition to any diet. It can even be used as a healthier alternative to sour cream! 

salmon and broccoli

How to Incorporate These Superfoods Into Your Diet

Incorporating superfoods into your daily meals doesn’t have to be daunting. With a bit of creativity and planning, you can easily reap the benefits of these nutritional powerhouses.

Here are some practical tips to help you seamlessly integrate superfoods into your diet:

  1. Start your day right: Kickstart your morning with a nutrient-packed breakfast and add superfoods like chia seeds, berries, or spinach to a smoothie. These foods also taste delicious in oatmeal or a yogurt bowl. These additions enhance the flavor and provide a burst of essential nutrients to fuel your day.
  2. Mix and match: Get creative in the kitchen and experiment with different combinations of superfoods in your meals. Try mixing quinoa into salads or using it as a rice replacement, topping your avocado toast with flaxseeds or hemp seeds, or incorporating kale into soups, stews, or omelets. The possibilities are endless!
  3. Snack smart: Swap out processed snacks for healthier alternatives featuring superfoods. For example, reach for a handful of nuts and seeds or snack on crunchy roasted chickpeas instead of greasy potato chips. Or keep sliced veggies on hand and dip them into hummus or guacamole. These snacks not only satisfy cravings but also provide a nutritional boost to keep you energized throughout the day.
  4. Power up your meals: Make your main meals superfood-centric by incorporating ingredients like salmon, broccoli, or lentils. Whip up a nutrient-rich salad with kale, quinoa, and avocado, grill salmon with roasted vegetables, or prepare a hearty bowl featuring an array of superfoods. These meals are delicious and nourishing, providing a balanced mix of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
  5. Plan ahead: Incorporating superfoods into your diet becomes more manageable with some planning. Take some time each week to meal prep and stock up on your favorite superfoods. Chop veggies, cook grains, and portion out ingredients to have on hand for quick and convenient meals throughout the week.

Empower Your Health and Harness the Potential of Superfoods

Remember, small changes can lead to significant results, so start by incorporating a few superfoods into your diet and gradually build upon your healthy habits over time. With dedication, mindfulness, and professional guidance, you can unlock the full potential of superfoods and take control of your health and well-being.

Do you want to learn more ways to enhance your health and connect with empowering women in your community? Purchase a ticket to the next upcoming BE Event! You can listen to inspirational lectures on a variety of topics and make new friends! We’d love to see you there. 

10 Work-Life Balance Tips for a Happier Lifestyle

10 Work-Life Balance Tips for a Happier Lifestyle

Work-life balance isn’t just a trending topic; it’s fundamental for well-being and happiness. As women, the balancing act often extends beyond professional commitments, encompassing familial duties, social connections, and personal aspirations. 

This blog is crafted to empower and guide, offering ten helpful work-life balance tips tailored to women seeking harmony between their professional pursuits and personal fulfillment. 

Why is Work-Life Balance So Important?

Work-life balance is like making sure you don’t eat only broccoli, but some ice cream too. In this case, it’s about balancing work with everything else in life. It’s like having a bunch of plates spinning all at once—job, family, friends, hobbies, and everything that makes life extraordinary. When those plates spin too fast, things can get wobbly real quick.

Research has shown that too much work and not enough downtime can affect your health, especially for women. Overworking yourself can lead to heightened stress levels, burnout, and adverse mental and physical health outcomes. 

The 10 Best Work-Life Balance Tips For Women

Discover these work-life balance tips to alleviate the stress of a hectic lifestyle and foster a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling existence. 

Tip 1: Prioritize and Organize

Prioritizing is about deciding what needs your attention right now and what can wait until later. By putting the most important stuff first, you’re not just managing time; you’re owning it.

Effective Strategies for Organizing Tasks and Responsibilities:

  • Break It Down: Big tasks can be overwhelming. Break them into smaller, manageable steps.
  • Set Clear Deadlines: Set deadlines to create a sense of urgency and keep things moving.
  • Batch Similar Tasks: Group similar tasks together. Answering emails in one go or tackling phone calls consecutively saves time and mental energy.

Tip 2: Establish Boundaries

In a world where your phone buzzes with work emails at midnight, boundary-setting becomes an art. It’s all about mastering the ‘do not disturb’ mode and saying ‘no’ to work invading your downtime.

Techniques for Maintaining Boundaries in a Digital Age:

  • Designate Tech-Free Zones or Times: Create designated times or areas where digital devices are a no-go. It could be during meals, before bedtime, or in specific rooms to disconnect and focus on personal life.
  • Master the Art of Notifications: Customize your device notifications to filter out non-urgent work-related alerts during off-hours. Use ‘Do Not Disturb’ features or app settings to silence unnecessary pings.
  • Set Communication Norms: Establish clear communication norms with colleagues or clients about response times. Educate them about your availability outside of regular working hours to manage expectations.

Tip 3: Practice Mindfulness and Self-Care

Mindfulness isn’t just for yogis; it’s for everyone hustling through life. It’s about being present, savoring the moment, and letting go of stress. Think of it as a mental spa day for your mind. 

Self-Care Practices to Rejuvenate Mind and Body:

  • Mindful Breathing or Meditation: Take a few minutes daily to focus on your breath or practice mindfulness meditation. It helps center your thoughts and ease stress.
  • Practice Gratitude: Keep a gratitude journal or take a moment each day to reflect on things you’re thankful for. It shifts focus to positivity and can boost mental well-being.
  • Set Boundaries for “Me-Time”: Carve out specific times in your schedule solely for yourself. It’s not selfish; it’s necessary for recharging your batteries.

Tip 4: Delegate and Outsource

Not everything needs your personal touch. Figuring out which tasks can be passed on to a colleague or a service means more time for what truly matters to you.

How to Identify Tasks Suitable for Delegation or Outsourcing:

  • Consider Repetitive or Routine Tasks: Tasks that follow a standard procedure and don’t demand specialized knowledge could be delegated.
  • Evaluate Cost vs. Benefit: Calculate the potential benefit of freeing up your time against the cost of delegating or outsourcing a task. Sometimes, the value of your time spent on more critical tasks outweighs the expense.
  • Review Deadline Sensitivity: Tasks with flexible deadlines or longer timelines might be more suitable for delegation.

Tip 5: Flexibility and Adaptability

Change is the only constant in life. Flexibility is about bending without breaking, making adjustments when needed, and being open to change.

Strategies for Adapting to Changes in Work and Personal Spheres:

  • Maintain a Growth Mindset: Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Approach changes with an open mind, seeing them as chances to learn and develop new skills.
  • Focus on What You Can Control: Some changes are beyond your control. Focus on managing aspects within your control, empowering yourself to navigate transitions effectively.
  • Set Short-Term Goals: Break down larger changes into manageable steps. Setting short-term goals helps create a roadmap for progress amidst change.

Tip 6: Nurture Support Networks

Navigating the journey of life takes a village! Strong support networks, including friends, family, and mentors, act as safety nets in tough times and cheerleaders during successes.

Ways to Leverage Communities and Networks for Support and Guidance:

  • Seek Mentorship and Coaching: Mentors provide guidance, share experiences, and offer advice, while coaches help navigate challenges and set career goals.
  • Volunteer or Engage in Community Activities: Participate in community service or volunteer activities aligned with your interests to expand your network with individuals sharing similar passions.
  • Stay Engaged and Consistent: Consistency is vital. Engage regularly within your networks, contribute valuable insights, and maintain relationships by staying connected.

Tip 7: Set Realistic Goals and Expectations

Balancing ambitious goals with a realistic approach prevents overwhelm and sets a clear path to success. This approach keeps motivation high, making success more attainable in work and personal endeavors.

Establishing Achievable Goals for Work and Personal Life:

  • Regularly Review and Adjust: Periodically review your goals. Check your progress, assess what’s working, and adjust if needed. This flexibility ensures goals remain relevant.
  • Seek Accountability and Support: Share your goals with someone you trust, whether a mentor, friend, or colleague. Having someone to hold you accountable can boost motivation.
  • Celebrate Milestones: Acknowledge and celebrate milestones along the way. Recognizing progress boosts morale and encourages continued effort.

Tip 8: Time Management Strategies

Mastering time management is far easier said than done. Learning how to balance your time can significantly boost productivity and efficiency.

Tools and Resources for Efficient Time Allocation:

  • Note-Taking Apps: Apps like Evernote, OneNote, or Notion enable you to jot down ideas, create to-do lists, and organize information, fostering better time management and idea retention.
  • Pomodoro Technique Timer: Apps like Focus Booster or Tomato Timer facilitate the Pomodoro Technique, a time management method that breaks work into intervals, enhancing focus and productivity.
  • Focus and Distraction Management Apps: Tools like Freedom or Cold Turkey Blocker help limit distractions by blocking access to distracting websites or apps during work hours, promoting focused work sessions.

Tip 9: Embrace Leisure and Hobbies

Playtime isn’t just for kids. Engaging in hobbies or leisure activities rejuvenates the mind, reducing stress and enhancing creativity.

Exploring Hobbies as a Source of Joy and Relaxation:

  • Start Small: Begin with manageable projects or activities. For instance, if you’re interested in painting, start with simple sketches or beginner-level art classes before diving into complex compositions.
  • Allocate Dedicated Time: Set aside specific time slots for your hobby. Whether 30 minutes a day or a couple of hours a week, consistent engagement is key to progress and enjoyment.
  • Create a Relaxing Environment: Designate a space to pursue your hobby comfortably. Whether it’s a cozy corner for reading or a workshop for woodworking, a conducive environment enhances enjoyment.

Tip 10: Regularly Reassess and Adjust

Regular check-ins help gauge progress, identify what’s working, and pinpoint areas needing adjustment. Tweaking approaches based on evolving circumstances ensures a balanced, sustainable lifestyle.

Strategies for Assessing and Tweaking Work-Life Balance:

  • Prioritize Personal Values: Revisit your values and priorities. Align your daily activities with these values to ensure you invest time in what truly matters to you.
  • Set Boundaries and Limits: Establish clear boundaries between work and personal life. Define specific work hours, digital detox periods, and leisure time to prevent work from encroaching on personal space.
  • Practice Saying No: Learn to decline tasks or commitments that don’t align with your priorities or overload your schedule.

Empower Yourself with Work-Life Balance

To all the incredible women out there, prioritizing your well-being isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity. It’s about recognizing that your happiness, health, and fulfillment matter as much as anyone else’s. Embrace the power of saying no, seek support without hesitation, and allow yourself the grace of self-care. 

Do you want to meet inspirational females in your area and learn valuable life skills? Or are you looking for a fun-filled, unique event to attend with your best gal pals? Purchase a ticket to the next upcoming BE Event! You can meet face-to-face with outstanding women, listen to inspirational lectures, and make new friends! We’d love to see you there. 

Treat Yourself With the 10 Best Mindful Self-Care Ideas for Women

Treat Yourself With the 10 Best Mindful Self-Care Ideas for Women

In a world where women juggle multiple roles and responsibilities, it’s easy to lose sight of the one person who deserves our utmost care and attention – ourselves. In this blog, we invite all women to take the time to put themselves first and embrace the art of self-care. 

We’ll unveil a curated collection of the ten best mindful self-care ideas for women, designed to nourish your mind, body, and soul. Whether you’re seeking a moment of serenity, a renewed sense of purpose, or a well-deserved break from life’s demands, we’ve got you covered. 

Why Is Self-Care for Women So Important?

Societal expectations and pressures on women can be overwhelming. Society often places unrealistic demands on us to excel in numerous areas and wear multiple hats, from caregivers to professionals, contributing to stress and potential burnout. Self-care serves as a vital counterbalance, allowing women to prioritize their own needs and emotional health amid these pressures.

Physical health is another critical aspect. Women’s bodies undergo significant changes throughout their lives, including menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause. Self-care activities can promote physical health, alleviate discomfort, and enhance resilience during these transformative phases.

Mental health is also a paramount concern. Statistically, women are more likely to experience anxiety and depression. Still, self-care can help manage stress, reduce symptoms, and bolster mental well-being, which is vital for overall health.

Furthermore, self-care empowers women to assert boundaries, advocate for themselves, and make choices that prioritize happiness and fulfillment. It fosters a sense of agency and self-worth, which is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships and overall life satisfaction.

Ultimately, self-care allows women to lead more balanced, fulfilling lives. It empowers us to nurture passions, pursue goals, and find joy in everyday experiences, even in a seemingly impossible world. 

10 Self-Care Ideas for Women To Nurture Mind & Body

Join us as we explore the transformative power of self-care and rediscover the strength from nurturing the most important relationship – the one with yourself.

1. Mindful Meditation: Dedicate time to meditation. It helps reduce stress, enhance focus, and promote emotional resilience. You can start with just a few minutes and gradually extend the duration if you find that it’s something you enjoy.

2. Physical Fitness: Regular exercise is vital for maintaining physical health and boosting mood. Whether it’s yoga, running, dancing, or any other activity you enjoy, find a fitness routine that suits you and makes you excited to move your body.

3. Nourishing Nutrition: Pay attention to your diet, ensuring you consume a balanced, nutritious variety of foods that fuel your body and mind. Stay hydrated, and remember to indulge in occasional treats guilt-free.

4. Quality Sleep: Prioritizing a good night’s sleep is crucial for living a happy and productive life. Create a calming bedtime routine, limit screen time before bed, and establish a consistent sleep schedule to ensure you wake up feeling refreshed.

5. Creative Expression: Engaging in creative pursuits can be a therapeutic way to process emotions. Explore your creativity through art, writing, music, or any other form of self-expression you enjoy. 

6. Set Boundaries: Protecting your time and energy is crucial for your well-being. Learn to say no when necessary and establish healthy boundaries in your personal and professional life. Once you start saying it, you’ll wonder why you were never this assertive. 

7. Social Connection: Meaningful connections provide emotional support and foster a sense of belonging. Nurture your relationships by spending quality time with loved ones. Face-to-face connection is unmatched and should be prioritized, but a phone call or texting conversation will also help you reconnect with your best pals. 

8. Self-Compassion: It might be easier said than done, but you must be kind to yourself. Practice self-compassion by acknowledging your worth, forgiving your imperfections, and treating yourself with the same care and kindness you extend to others. You deserve it!

9. Nature Retreats: Spending time in nature is always rejuvenating for the mind and soul. Whether it’s a walk in the park, a hike in the woods, or simply sitting by a tranquil lake, connecting with the natural world can be profoundly rejuvenating.

10. Mindful Relaxation: Set aside moments for mindful relaxation, such as taking a soothing bath, practicing deep breathing exercises, or engaging in hobbies that bring you joy and peace.

More Ways to Prioritize Self-Care

Now that we’ve covered some overarching ways to try self-care, here are some more specific examples that might resonate with you. Remember, there’s no right or wrong way to practice well-deserved “me time” as long as it brings you joy and rejuvenation. 

  • Unwind in a comfy spot and read a book or magazine
  • Challenge yourself with a puzzle
  • Take a social media break
  • Bake a batch of delicious cookies or brownies
  • Enjoy a glass of wine or other refreshing beverage in your favorite fancy glass
  • Try cooking a new recipe
  • Indulge in your go-to guilty pleasure fast food order
  • Take a walk around your favorite neighborhood or park
  • Write in a gratitude journal
  • Give yourself a facial 
  • Take a midday nap
  • Sit in a quiet place and meditate
  • Get a manicure or pedicure
  • Soak in a bubble bath or essential oil bath
  • Watch your favorite comfort movie or television show
  • Treat yourself to ice cream
  • Catch up with an old friend
  • Clean out your closet or organize your dresser
  • Take a personal day off from work
  • Stroll through a museum or gallery
  • Explore an unfamiliar part of your town
  • Hop in the car and go for a scenic drive
  • Wash your hair and give yourself a blowout
  • Buy yourself a little gift
  • Plant a garden or pot some flowers or plants
  • Visit an animal shelter
  • Try a new art project or craft

Women + Self-Care = Limitless Possibilities

Whether you want to treat yourself to your favorite comfort activity or try something new that’s been lurking on your to-do list, it doesn’t matter! What’s most important is that you take the time to take care of yourself. And remember – you’re a woman, so you can do anything! 

Do you want another way to experience self-care? Purchase a ticket to the next upcoming BE Event! You can meet face-to-face with inspiring women, listen to inspirational lectures, and make new friends! We’d love to see you there. 

This Year I Tried to Grow a Garden

This Year I Tried to Grow a Garden

This year I tried to grow a garden. There is something so amazing about the idea of a seed becoming something that we can actually put in our bodies to nourish us.

I ordered organic soil, I tilled and mulched and planted, and then with deep amazement very little grew. Gardening is hard, this year is hard.

We have been planting so many things that are just not coming up. I planted a spring break to Miami, the city with the largest COVID outbreak at the time when we were supposed to get on a plane. I planted a trip to see my cousin. I planted the seed that I return to Canada every Christmas which seems unlikely to grow even though it has for 41 years, year after year.

We pulled up the garden. I had fun, but I pretty much failed, then my 10-year-old came in with this little guy and proved to me that sometimes things that we plant can be lost or forgotten and it doesn’t mean that they aren’t still there, growing, just under the soil waiting to emerge. Plant anyway.